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Los Derechos de la Naturaleza en la Resevera Marina de Galápagos

Los Derechos de la Naturaleza en la Resevera Marina de Galápagos

The event is organized by CDER with Universidad San Francisco de Quito

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Location: Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador

1 PM Ecuador (GMT-5)/1PM Eastern - En Espanol

Livestream available here

We invite you to attend this in-person conference on December 7th, where the Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights (CDER) attorney, Hugo Echeverria, will be presenting on a panel on the protection of marine life in the Galapagos, which will also include renowned USFQ Professors Alex Hearn and Juan Manuel Guayasamín, both experts on Galapagos issues as well as on protected species.

This conference is an opportunity to learn about the challenges the Galapagos Marine Reserve faces regarding the protection of marine life. This is the first event organized by the CDER focusing on the “blue” perspective of the rights of nature, a topic that is receiving growing attention by the rights of nature movement worldwide.

In Ecuador, the Constitution secured the rights of nature - Pacha Mama - in 2008. 

A livestream option is also available here.

November 22

Los Derechos Constitucionales de la Naturaleza en el Ecuador: Casos Pendientes en la Corte Constitucional

February 9

Mari Margil at the De Lange Conference