Common Dreams: Rights of Nature movement focus of latest article-3/17/2021


On March 10th, Jim Hightower wrote on Common Dreams and article titled, “The Rights of Nature: We Need Nature More Than It Needs Us”. From the 1820’s when William Jackson secured the right of an oak tree on his property to live as its own, unharmed, to today, the Rights of Nature movement has progressed from an individual stance to not only a national but an international movement. Jim Hightower introduces a theory with an important question: “what if all trees, watersheds, canyons, and other natural ecosystems had a legal right to exist, thrive, evolve, and regenerate?” (Common Dreams, 2021).

Nature being able to live as its own entity with inalienable rights deserving of protection is the very foundation of the Rights of Nature Movement that we support and engage in. Corporations and lobbyists have used legal loopholes to further exploitation and secure financial assets. Conservation individuals and organizations, however, have made headway in local ordinances and municipal action to create a coalition of constitutional change. If corporations can be viewed as people in the eyes of the court, then why should natural resources and beings not also be afforded their day in court as well with full representation?

Hightower effectively focuses on the value and importance of nature. It is well worth the read here.


Declaration of the Rights of the Moon featured on ABC News-3/19/2021


Ecuador Begins Legislative Reform to Strengthen Rights of Nature-3/15/2021