U.S. Green Party Adopts Rights of Nature Plank

This Fall, the Green Party of the United States adopted a new provision supporting the adoption of laws in the U.S. that recognize the rights of nature.

The full text of the new plank, which rests within the “ecological sustainability” section of the Green Party’s platform, reads:

Chapter III. Ecological Sustainability

O. Rights of Nature

We support the adoption of local, state, and federal laws which recognize the legal rights of natural communities and ecosystems – including wetlands, streams, rivers, aquifers, and other water systems – to exist, flourish, regenerate, naturally evolve, and be restored. We support the inclusion in those laws of the ability of people and communities to file legal actions in the name of the affected natural community or ecosystem, and for courts to require restoration of the natural community or ecosystem back to its pre-damaged state.

The Center for Democratic and Environmental Rights (CDER) congratulates the Green Party on taking this important step to advance the rights of nature.

CDER’s Thomas Linzey stated, “We were so pleased to work with Lizzie Adams and the Green Party of Florida to draft and propose this plank for adoption by the Green Party of the United States.”



Now available! Webinar - Pending cases on rights of nature in Ecuador - En Espanol


Eng/Span Press Release: Ecuador To Legislate On Páramo Ecosystem Protection/Para Proteger Los Páramos